Guiding our children to shine their inner LIGHT by being our absolute best!

Posts tagged ‘live’

Are You Living or Existing?



I was driving down the road today coming home from a visit with my mom and the peace and quiet of the open road gave me time to listen to the voice within. A thought came streaming into my consciousness that I’d like to share with you…

If you died today, would you die happy?

If you answered no to this question than it’s time for a drastic change in your life because life was not made to be existed through. Instead, we are given life to live.

My life has taken an unexpected turn in the past few months and I have often found myself just getting through my days as I have allowed myself to be on an emotional roller coaster. I would say that this is existing.

As I drove down the road I began thinking of my dad-who is no longer here on earth. I suddenly realized that life is just too damn short to stay in a place of sadness.

Why is it that we give our power away to others and allow self limiting beliefs to hold us back or keep us in relationships that are just not right for us?

Well, the number one reason is fear. Fear paralyzes us and keeps us in holding patterns in life, but love sets us free.  It’s easy to love others and to put their needs ahead of our own, but true love is learning to love yourself.

Life is too short to exist. Our days are limited here on Earth and I know that I want to truly enjoy every minute. It all begins with learning to love myself and so today I shift my thoughts to what I have instead of what I do not have. I focus on what I can do, instead of what I cannot do. I count my blessings and set my intention instead of feeling like a victim.

If you answered no to the question above, then ask yourself what small act you can do today that will shift your focus and place your own power back in your hands?

Love yourself by choosing positive thoughts over negative thoughts, speaking your truth and knowing in your heart that today’s sorrow brings tomorrows sunshine because the Universe is ALWAYS supporting us and bringing our highest good!

Lots of Light & Tons of Light,
